Colleges &

U.S. News & World Report

12 of the 15 best colleges are clients of Premier Facility Solutions.

Premier Facility Solutions has for over two decades successfully engineered, authored, hosted and monitored performance-based and appearance-based maintenance contracts in a diverse academic marketplace. Our satisfied customers represent Ivy League, Private and State organizations.

Bowie State UniversityBowieMD
New York UniversityNew YorkNY
Temple UniversityPhiladelphiaPA
Temple School of MedicinePhiladelphiaPA
Kutztown UniversityKutztownPA
Florida Institute of TechnologyMelbourneFL
University of Massachusetts LowellLowellMA
University of Massachusetts BostonBostonMA
Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMA
Harvard UniversityCambridgeMA
Harvard Business SchoolCambridgeMA
Harvard School of Public HealthBostonMA
Brown UniversityProvidenceRI
Bentley CollegeWalthamMA
Northeastern UniversityBostonMA
Fashion Institute of TechnologyNew YorkNY
Boston CollegeChestnut HillMA
College of William & MaryWilliamsburgVA
Salem State CollegeSalemMA
Bradford CollegeBradfordMA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology- Whitehead InstituteCambridgeMA
Yale School of MedicineNew HavenCT
Coastal Carolina UniversityConwaySC
University of MarylandCollege ParkMD
University of Maryland Baltimore CountyBaltimoreMD
Dartmouth CollegeHanoverNH
Palm Beach Atlantic UniversityWest Palm BeachFL
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburghPA
University of PittsburghPittsburghPA
Point Park CollegePittsburghPA
Temple University Medical SchoolPhiladelphiaPA
Robert Morris UniversityPittsburghPA
Emerson CollegeBostonMA
Pace UniversityNew YorkNY
Gateway Community CollegeNew HavenCT